Contoh Argumentative Essay tentang Abortion

Argumentative Essay about Abortion

Hi guys! Lagi cari-cari contoh mengenai argumentative essay dengan tema abortion atau aborsi? Yuk simak artikel ini karena Agungpsp bakal memberikan contoh essay argumentative tentang aborsi dengan mosi Abortion should be legalized, tetapi dalam essay ini akan diambil sudut pandang tidak setuju. Yuk langsung simak essay di bawah ini ya!

Essay about Abortion

Argumentative Essay (Block)
Motion: Abortion should be legalized (disagree) 

Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended by removing embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Abortion should not be legalized since it is causing more free sex.
Body I (Rebuttal)
Raising a child is not an easy task.  Rebut: Give education to people that many parents want to have a baby so it is better to put the child up for adoption.
Body II (Rebuttal)
Abortion is about allowing women to make a choice. Rebut: women (human) should be responsible about anything that they have done.
Body III (Rebuttal)
Fetuses are incapable of feeling pain. Rebut: Abortion is the killing of human being.
1st  Argument
It will increase free sex. Since the people think that they can abort their pregnancy, they may do sex without thinking what will happen next.
2nd Argument
It will increase HIV/AIDS. Due to increasing of free sex, the possibility of HIV/AIDS infection also becomes higher.
Abortion should not be legalized since it is causing more free sex but it may be considered for rape victims. Then, the government should give a big punishment for the rapist so they will never do rape again. Therefore, people also think twice to do free sex.


Why Abortion Should not be Legalized?

            Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended by removing embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus, it is also called as ‘termination of pregnancy’. Abortion is usually performed in the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Meanwhile, according to new research by WHO (World Health Organization), around 56 million abortions were made worldwide each year between 2010-2014 and 25 million or about 45% of them were unsafe abortions.  Recently, the topic of abortion became a trending topic because Alabama, a state in the United States, is not allowing abortion.  The new law makes some public figures such as Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, and Grace VanderWaal make a speech disagreeing to the new rule. Even though there are various reasons why abortion should not be legalized such as causing more free sex and HIV/AIDS.
            Many people around the world argue that raising a child is not an easy task. To raise a child, a good economic situation is needed for a prospective mother and the family. The family needs to have the financial stability to support the shopping needs like to buy milk, layette, and something for the future of their baby. Moreover, the emotional commitment to have a kid is also important to take care of the baby.  If people do not want to have a baby, it means the pregnancy is unwanted, they will also raise the child in a bad environment. The child will grow up in a non-conducive situation since the parents do not love their child. However, the government should give education to the people that raising a child is a responsibility for each parent. There are also many parents who cannot have a kid but they want to have it. It means putting the child up for adoption is a better way than doing the abortion.
             Abortion is about allowing women to make choices whether they want to keep their pregnancy or not. They know what time they want to have children in a relationship. Other than that, growing up children in unstable financial is not good, so they need to abort their womb. Thus, the government should not interfere with their own right. Nevertheless, every person should be responsible for what they have done. If they do not want to have a kid, it is better to prevent it before the pregnancy occurs. Although many women do not become pregnant by their choice, it means they were doing free sex before. While indeed the pregnancy is unintentional, it is still their responsibility and ending the fetus is not the best choice.
            In the first 28 weeks, fetuses are incapable of feeling pain. They are just like a brain dead person with no self-awareness and they cannot make a choice. Scientific research proved that even though fetuses start to develop a face, legs, arms, etc by the tenth week, but they do not have a consciousness. Consequently, having an abortion is not murder since the fetus is not legally a human being. The Pro-Life activists claim that abortion is an absolute crime since fetuses are the beginning of human life. Life begins at conception and the fetuses are the source of newborn which is the concept of life. Abortion is tantamount to destroying a life when fetal growth process is stopped intentionally.
            Of the various reasons why abortion has to be legalized, still, abortion permits bring negative effects. The first is by allowing abortion will make people think that having free sex is OK. There is like no obstacle to have free sex which will the increasing rape. So, instead of the number of rape that will go down, it will actually increase and so with the rate of pregnancy without marriage. In addition, pregnancy without marriage is not desirable and having an impact on the increasingly widespread illegal abortion. Thus, one problem is connected with others, and as soon as possible affect the first problem itself.
            Due to the increase of free sex, the possibility of HIV/AIDS infection also becomes higher. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks cells of the human body that help the body to fight infection, making people become easily infected with other viruses and diseases. While AIDS is the late stage of HIV when the body’s immune system is badly damaged. The virus is spread by direct contact with the sufferer, such as having unprotected sex. In fact, HIV cannot be cured and more and more people suffer from it. With the legalization of abortion which has an impact on the rising of free sex, it is feared that this dangerous virus infection will become worse.

            From the sundry negative impacts, it can be concluded that abortion is a bad thing. That is why abortion should not be legalized since it is causing more free sex but it may be considered for rape victims. The government may have a program to educate the victims because they are not ready both mentally and physically to have children. They are depressed because the crimes that they got, so abortion can be considered as the last choice for them as long as the womb is under 28 weeks old. Furthermore, it is necessary to have an adoption program as the first choice for them. Then, the ministry should give a big punishment for the rapist to make sure that they will never do rape again. Therefore, people will think twice to do free sex.

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