Where is Borobudur Temple Located?

I Love Borobudur Temple

Where is Borobudur Temple Located?
Source : http://cdn2.tstatic.net/travel/foto/bank/images/candi-borobudur_20171128_143515.jpg

Borobudur Temple is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. The temple was built around 8th century. This should be on the list of your next trip. For the reason why, I will give you the reason in this post by my experience when I visited this biggest Buddhist temple.

Where is Borobudur Temple Located?

However many people know that Borobudur is in Jogjakarta. Actually this is wrong. Borobudur temple is located in  Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Eventhough it is only 25 km from Jogja. The temple is located on Kedu plain. You can see 5 mountains from this area. There are Sumbing, Merbabu, Merapi, Andong, Telomoyo and Sindoro. There are also Menoreh hills.

How far is Borobudur Temple from Jogja?

The temple is not too far from Jogja or the closest airport. It is only 25 km away in the northwest of Jogjakarta.

History of Borobudur

The temple was built around 8th or 9th century during Sailendra Dynasty rule over the Mataram Kingdom. It has 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The construction of the monument have taken 75 yeasr (estimation). If the name followed Javanese, it should be “BudurBara”.

My Experience in Borobudur Temple

I went to Borobudur temple compounds for 3 times. The first time when I was like 10 y.o and I went there with my mom. That was my birthday trip. My mom gave that birthday gift trip because I always wanted to go to that temple. I mean I live in the same city with Borobudur but why I  hadn’t gone there yet at that time. How poor I was.

I have always wanted to go there. Then I came to visit the biggest temple again the next year, it means when I was 11. I just love the place and makes me want to go back again and again until now. I want to go there again!

When I was 11. I went there with my mom again. We walked around the temple. We also visited a museum with a big watercraft inside the museum that the watercraft was made from wood. The museum is called Museum Samudra Raksa. That was a big watercraft and I love the arcitecture.

Okay, I have visited Borobudur temple for 2 times, but I still want to go there again. In july 2017. For the 3rd time, I went there again with my mom. But this one is different cause now I am more mature and can go around the temple alone.

My mom didn’t want to go up the temple cause she was too tired to go up. I decided to go up alone with my phone. I jumped my first step to the stair that was made from stone. Of course, Borobudur is a big stone, a huge stone. I am so grateful to have such great ancestors. I am so happy too cause I live near this beautiful temple.

However, Borobudur is a Buddhist temple and even the biggest in the world, the location of Borobudur is surrounded by Moeslim community. So, don't be surprised if you hear adzan (Islamic prayer) from the top of the temple. For your information, Indonesia is the biggest Moeslim population country. This respect to each religions is what I like.

The weather was hot on the temple. But I just didn’t care the weather cause I got this wonderful experience. I could touch the temple. I got a lot of information about the temple.
The architecture was awesome. However I coudn’t read the relief but I love that. That is such great masterpiece.

Not only that, The scenery from the top of the temple was so amazing. The green hills in the west and south. While I can see Merbabu and Merapi mountain which is Merapi is one of the most active volcano in Indonesia. You won’t be regret if you visit this beautiful temple.

That is my experience when I was visiting Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Ticket price :
IDR 40.000 for Local
IDR 137.000 – 450.000 for Tourist

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Where to Stay?

Sarasvati Borobudur Hotel
Jl. Balaputradewa No.10, Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia

Shankara Borobudur
Balaputradewa 18, Magelang 56553, Indonesia

Plataran Heritage Borobudur Hotel
Dusun Kretek, Karangrejo, Borobudur, Magelang 56553, Indonesia

What do you think guys about the temple? Have you ever been there? Please tell me your story by commenting below.

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