Cause and Effect Essay about Global Warming

Cause and Effect Essay about Global Warming Block Formation

Theme : Global Warming

                                       Global Warming: Causes and Effects

Global Warming: Causes and Effects

Global warming is the increase in average temperature near the surface of the earth. It occurs when carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases gather in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight that makes the solar radiation have bounced off the earth’s surface or it is called the greenhouse effect.  Global warming is caused by natural events and human activities. However,  human activities make global warming becomes worse since the industrial revolution. Nowadays, global warming is a serious problem and needs to be concerned by all countries in the world. Therefore, this article will explain the causes and effects of global warming.
The first cause is natural events such as variations of the natural rotation of the sun and volcanic eruption.  Even though the variation of the brightness of the sun is not the main factor that causes global warming, but it still has a role in a warming process. In every eleven years, there will be changes in the sun’s magnetic field which means the magnitude of sunspots and solar flares is increasing. Due to that, the sun shines brighter and brings more heat to the earth. Moreover, volcanic eruptions are responsible for releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Although volcanoes are in a specific place the gases will go wider to the entire world. It also brings dust and sulfur to the air which leads to climate change because they have a cooling effect.
The second cause is human influences as well as the industrial revolution and deforestation. As we know, over decades human activities contribute a lot to global warming. This is driven by human habits of using fossil fuel sources for vehicles and industry that generate greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Fossil fuel burning and industry have produced approximately three-quarters of the increase in greenhouse gases between 1970-2010. In the United States, fossil fuels, as the largest source, have been burned for electricity and producing about two billion tons of carbon dioxide every year. This was further compounded by deforestation without reforestation. There is a lot of deforestation in the world, both due to wildfire and land conversion. Whereas, trees in the forest will drag the carbon dioxide to the leaves and they will release oxygen. When there is a wildfire, the CO2 will be released and it is like bombing the atmosphere. Thus, deforestation is the second largest source of carbon dioxide after fossil fuel.
Both natural events and human activities cause various negative effects on the earth. These will impact the survival of the earth creatures including us as a human being. Although, the most severe impact is the sinking of some places on the planet as a result of rising sea level due to the ice at polar melts. This has become a frightening specter, especially for small island countries. These countries only contribute a few greenhouse gases but they will get the most advanced bad results.
The global warming leads to the polar ice caps is melting. In recent decades, sea ice in the Arctic has been melting faster than the refreezing in winter. It is due to the increase in temperature. In the 21st century, it is indicated that the surface temperature is likely to rise one point seven degree Celsius to four point eight degrees. This will be more threatening for the glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice. If the ice in both polars are melting then the sea level will increase. The rising sea level will lead to coastal flooding and the island countries are in danger.
Another effect is the abrupt climate change. It means that the climate system is forced faster to change to a new climate state. The climate change may also affect to the extreme weather. The extreme weather such as there has been fewer or warmer cold days and nights. This kind of thing becomes more frequent than in some place may feel colder air than usual or warmer air. The example is heatwave which is abnormally hot weather lasting days or even for some weeks. The number of heat waves has been increasing in years. Higher temperatures may cause an increase of evaporation, and plants will die. As a result, climate change is one of the most terrible things in this regard because the effect is not only locally but to a widespread area.

In conclusion, global warming is increasingly exacerbated by human activities that are free to use fossil fuels and cut down the forests without plant again. Hence, humans must be responsible by reducing the use of motorized vehicles and switching to renewable energy and planting in deforested forests. These must be done before the harmful effects of global warming become worse and widespread that are threatening the lives of living things. This is not only the responsibility of an agency, but all countries and human beings have to help each other in reducing the impact of global warming. Consequently, our future grandchildren will not carry heavy burdens and can live peacefully and comfortably.


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